directory for mount not completing

Bug #395279 reported by Dave Gilbert
This bug affects 5 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
bash-completion (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

Binary package hint: bash-completion

version: 1.0-3

If I type

mount /dev/frob /me and hit tab complete it completes to /media/cdrom0
(frob is irrelevant - it seems to ignore what I put there for the completion of the other part).

However, /media has :

ls -l /media
drwxr-xr-x 7 dg root 4096 2009-03-29 15:34 6f6d157c-5722-440f-afb3-6300a8b7fc34
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2007-04-13 23:30 cdrom -> cdrom0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-04-13 23:30 cdrom0
drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4096 2009-06-13 18:34 Music16GBa

So there is no good reason it should complete to cdrom0, I expect it to complete to /media/ for
me then to type a bit more.
The 6f.... and Music16GBa directories are manually created.

(This is on Karmic updated about a week ago).


Revision history for this message
Dave Gilbert (ubuntu-treblig) wrote :

This is still doing it on one of my machines upgraded to Lucid (davros), but not the other. Very curious!


Revision history for this message
Dave Gilbert (ubuntu-treblig) wrote :

OK, I can see what's happening here - and I think it's a bug (although I might be persuaded it's a preference).

/etc/bash_completion uses:

    complete -F _mount $default $dirnames mount

where _mount is a function that returns a list of the mount directories matching the name being completed; so
because I have one and only one /media mount in fstab (/media/cdrom0) it returns /media/cdrom0 as the one
and only completion option.

$dirnames is set to -o dirnames
  This causes completion to complete directories only if the -F function returns an empty list.

Newer bash has -o plusdirs which *adds* the list from the -F to the list, which IMHO is the right behaviour;
the code at the top of /etc/bash_completion detects that bash is new enough and sets a $plusdirs
that we could use instead of $dirnames.

$plusdirs is rarely used (in a few of the /etc/bash_completion.d scripts)

IMHO the right behaviour here is to use -o plusdirs in most cases, either by just assuming we're on a modern bash,
or by having a variable (e.g. $newestdircomp) that is set to '-o plusdirs' on newer bashes and '-o dirnames' on older bashes.


Revision history for this message
Martin Erik Werner (arand) wrote :

bash-completion: 1.1-3ubuntu2

I'm using this in my fstab:
# Manually added for automount of DATA partition
/dev/disk/by-uuid/A66C42F16C42BBB5 /media/DATA ntfs defaults,gid=46,umask=007,group 0 0

And when using mount bash always completes to /media/DATA even though I have several other folders in /media/ and even though I'm trying to mount something new, and /media/DATA is already mounted.
I would agree that this behaviour is questionable.

Marking as confirmed.

Changed in bash-completion (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
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