Comment 2 for bug 1824333

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

Hi Robert,
I haven't found the reason.
For my limited kernel knowledge I have checked and discussed a bit.

in [1] I found
$ grep -Hrn autofs debian.master/contro*

But then was made aware that with 4.18 ther kernel started to include this series [2]
Which means it was moved to a different path.

Maybe this would be enough to fix it, btu that is up to the kernel team
diff --git a/debian.master/control.d/generic.inclusion-list b/debian.master/control.d/generic.inclusion-list
index 3797f760226a..19fb0d4620c0 100644
--- a/debian.master/control.d/generic.inclusion-list
+++ b/debian.master/control.d/generic.inclusion-list
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ drivers/xen/*
 ! find sound/core -name oss -prune -o -name *.ko -print

[1]: git://