Activity log for bug #851986

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2011-09-16 15:37:01 Jamie Strandboge bug added bug
2011-09-16 15:37:18 Jamie Strandboge bug task added firefox (Ubuntu)
2011-09-16 15:37:28 Jamie Strandboge bug task added evince (Ubuntu)
2011-09-16 15:37:43 Jamie Strandboge bug task added cups (Ubuntu)
2011-09-16 15:37:55 Jamie Strandboge nominated for series Ubuntu Oneiric
2011-09-16 15:37:55 Jamie Strandboge bug task added apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric)
2011-09-16 15:37:55 Jamie Strandboge bug task added cups (Ubuntu Oneiric)
2011-09-16 15:37:55 Jamie Strandboge bug task added evince (Ubuntu Oneiric)
2011-09-16 15:37:55 Jamie Strandboge bug task added firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric)
2011-09-16 15:38:28 Jamie Strandboge summary use of Ux in ubuntu-* abstractions and evince is too lenient use of Ux in ubuntu-* abstractions and profiles is too lenient
2011-09-16 15:38:38 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10-beta-2
2011-09-16 15:38:43 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10-beta-2
2011-09-16 15:38:47 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10-beta-2
2011-09-16 15:38:53 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2011-09-16 15:38:56 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2011-09-16 15:39:00 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2011-09-16 15:39:09 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): status New In Progress
2011-09-16 15:39:14 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): status New In Progress
2011-09-16 15:39:18 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): status New Triaged
2011-09-16 15:39:22 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): status In Progress Confirmed
2011-09-16 15:39:53 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): importance Undecided High
2011-09-16 15:39:57 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): importance Undecided Medium
2011-09-16 15:40:01 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): importance Undecided Medium
2011-09-16 15:40:15 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): status Confirmed In Progress
2011-09-16 15:40:21 Jamie Strandboge cups (Ubuntu Oneiric): status New Confirmed
2011-09-16 15:55:30 Jamie Strandboge summary use of Ux in ubuntu-* abstractions and profiles is too lenient use of Ux in ubuntu-* abstractions and profiles is too lenient and should be improved
2011-09-16 18:12:52 Till Kamppeter bug added subscriber Martin Pitt
2011-09-19 04:48:58 Martin Pitt cups (Ubuntu Oneiric): status Confirmed Won't Fix
2011-09-19 04:49:35 Martin Pitt cups (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Triaged
2011-09-19 04:49:38 Martin Pitt cups (Ubuntu Oneiric): importance Undecided Medium
2011-09-23 14:05:49 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10-beta-2 ubuntu-11.10
2011-09-23 14:05:52 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10-beta-2 ubuntu-11.10
2011-09-23 14:05:54 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10-beta-2 ubuntu-11.10
2011-09-29 20:08:54 Kate Stewart tags rls-mgr-o-tracking
2011-09-29 22:31:48 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10 oneiric-updates
2011-09-29 22:31:50 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10 oneiric-updates
2011-09-29 22:31:52 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone ubuntu-11.10 oneiric-updates
2011-10-07 02:33:28 Kate Stewart nominated for series Ubuntu Precise
2011-10-07 02:33:28 Kate Stewart bug task added apparmor (Ubuntu Precise)
2011-10-07 02:33:28 Kate Stewart bug task added cups (Ubuntu Precise)
2011-10-07 02:33:28 Kate Stewart bug task added evince (Ubuntu Precise)
2011-10-07 02:33:28 Kate Stewart bug task added firefox (Ubuntu Precise)
2011-10-07 02:33:55 Kate Stewart apparmor (Ubuntu Precise): status New In Progress
2011-10-07 02:34:12 Kate Stewart apparmor (Ubuntu Precise): importance Undecided Medium
2011-10-07 02:34:43 Kate Stewart evince (Ubuntu Precise): importance Undecided High
2011-10-07 02:34:43 Kate Stewart evince (Ubuntu Precise): status New In Progress
2011-10-07 02:35:10 Kate Stewart firefox (Ubuntu Precise): importance Undecided Medium
2011-10-07 02:35:10 Kate Stewart firefox (Ubuntu Precise): status New Triaged
2011-10-07 02:35:34 Kate Stewart tags rls-mgr-o-tracking rls-mgr-p-tracking
2011-10-26 21:31:37 Jamie Strandboge tags rls-mgr-p-tracking rls-p-tracking
2011-10-26 21:31:49 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Precise): milestone precise-alpha-2
2011-10-26 21:31:49 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Precise): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2011-10-26 21:32:07 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Precise): milestone precise-alpha-2
2011-10-26 21:32:07 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Precise): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2011-10-26 21:32:24 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Precise): milestone precise-alpha-2
2011-10-26 21:32:24 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Precise): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2011-11-28 18:05:57 Simon Déziel bug added subscriber Simon Déziel
2012-01-11 14:34:41 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): status In Progress Won't Fix
2012-01-11 14:34:45 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): status In Progress Won't Fix
2012-01-11 14:34:49 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): status Triaged Won't Fix
2012-01-11 14:35:11 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2012-01-11 14:35:24 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone oneiric-updates
2012-01-11 14:35:39 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone oneiric-updates
2012-01-11 14:35:39 Jamie Strandboge evince (Ubuntu Oneiric): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2012-01-11 14:35:57 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): milestone oneiric-updates
2012-01-11 14:35:57 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Oneiric): assignee Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
2012-01-11 14:36:48 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Precise): status Triaged In Progress
2012-01-11 14:44:09 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Precise): importance Medium High
2012-01-11 14:44:09 Jamie Strandboge apparmor (Ubuntu Precise): status In Progress Fix Committed
2012-01-11 14:45:47 Jamie Strandboge cups (Ubuntu Precise): status New Won't Fix
2012-01-12 08:55:49 Jamie Strandboge firefox (Ubuntu Precise): status In Progress Invalid
2012-01-12 14:40:19 Launchpad Janitor apparmor (Ubuntu Precise): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2012-01-12 15:16:23 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/apparmor
2012-01-13 11:30:18 Launchpad Janitor evince (Ubuntu Precise): status In Progress Fix Released
2012-01-13 11:47:22 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/evince
2012-01-13 11:57:52 Jamie Strandboge cups (Ubuntu): status Triaged Won't Fix
2012-02-09 21:37:37 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:~kees/apparmor/debian