alsa-utils (1.0.15-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable.
* Ubuntu-specific changes:
- debian/control:
+ Add bzr URI,
+ Add lpia to supported arches,
+ Adhere to DebianMaintainerField;
- debian/init:
+ Mute 'IEC958' by default,
+ Unmute 'Master Surround', 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack';
- debian/modprobe-post-install-part: Remove - not used;
- Don't install alsaconf.
alsa-utils (1.0.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
[ Elimar Riesebieter ]
* Added Homepage header in debian/control.
* debian/rules: s/-$(MAKE) distclean/[ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean/
* debian/control: Recommend udev (>= 0.096-1)
* Switched alsa-utils dependency from python to python-minimal.
(closes: #447736)
alsa-utils (1.0.14-2) unstable; urgency=low
[ Elimar Riesebieter ]
* Tweaked alsaconf to work properly with 2.6 kernel drivers.
(closes: #391921, #411305, #426759, #429784, #430624, #432678, #439842)
(closes: #404215, #4417769)
* Reduced the default mixersettings in alsaconf a bit.
* Removed modutils from alsa-utils' Depends:
* Tweaked the menu entry to menu policy 3.5.
* Changed clean target according to lintians help ;)
-- Daniel T Chen <email address hidden> Sat, 27 Oct 2007 23:17:58 +0100