Boot-Repair is now packaged correctly (see GIT: ), but I fear that it won't be integrated in Precise CD... Users will have to download another ISO (Boot-Repair-Disk or Ubuntu-Secured-Remix) for another 6 months ... :'-(
FYI, Alessio, the Ubuntu dev who accepted to sponsor boot-repair, is busy with examinations since several weeks. (http:// bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 636977)
Boot-Repair is now packaged correctly (see GIT: http:// anonscm. debian. org/gitweb/ ?p=collab- maint/boot- repair. git ), but I fear that it won't be integrated in Precise CD... Users will have to download another ISO (Boot-Repair-Disk or Ubuntu- Secured- Remix) for another 6 months ... :'-(