Android is a FOSS operating system with a linux kernel and software stack used by millions of smartphone owners. The SDK would be immensely useful open source developers wanting to create software.
URL: and License: GPL, LGPL, and Apache. The toolchain includes some other licenses including BSD. Notes: I'm new to packaging, but please let me know if you would like my help.
An outdated debian request was found here:
Android is a FOSS operating system with a linux kernel and software stack used by millions of smartphone owners. The SDK would be immensely useful open source developers wanting to create software.
URL: http:// source. android. com/ and http:// source. android. com/download
License: GPL, LGPL, and Apache. The toolchain includes some other licenses including BSD.
Notes: I'm new to packaging, but please let me know if you would like my help.
An outdated debian request was found here: http:// bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 459219