This seems to be an intresting project! I think I could build it but I can't find the sources in the URL! Can you please give the link to the sources because on the URL there are only deb Packages! What licence is it!
Ok I just created a package but I found this! It is already packaged and uploaded on REVU. You should contact the probono, the guy who builded and uploaded the package, so he can update the package to 0.0.9.
This bug is tagged needs-packaging which identifies it as a request for a new package in Ubuntu. As a part of the managing needs-packaging bug reports specification,, all needs-packaging bug reports have Wishlist importance. Subsequently, I'm setting this bug's status to Wishlist.
This seems to be an intresting project! I think I could build it but I can't find the sources in the URL! Can you please give the link to the sources because on the URL there are only deb Packages! What licence is it!