------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-28 08:57 EDT-------
It is being more than two months waiting for some feedback from the OpenSSH community about the patches sent (https://www.spinics.net/lists/openssh-unix-dev/msg04133.html). They don't seem to be reviewing any patches sent to the mailing list yet.
As we can no longer keep waiting on them we are wondering if the three patches can be included in the openssh package distributed with Ubuntu.
The URL sent above also describes each package and why we need them. One of the patches will solve this ticket and the other two patches will allow us to progress on the ibmpkcs11 project development and release it.
------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-07-28 08:57 EDT------- /www.spinics. net/lists/ openssh- unix-dev/ msg04133. html). They don't seem to be reviewing any patches sent to the mailing list yet.
It is being more than two months waiting for some feedback from the OpenSSH community about the patches sent (https:/
As we can no longer keep waiting on them we are wondering if the three patches can be included in the openssh package distributed with Ubuntu.
The URL sent above also describes each package and why we need them. One of the patches will solve this ticket and the other two patches will allow us to progress on the ibmpkcs11 project development and release it.
If you need more information just let me know.