Activity log for bug #887675

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2011-11-08 17:32:09 Pasi Lallinaho bug added bug
2011-11-09 15:52:27 Anthony Dillon ubuntu-website: status New Confirmed
2011-11-09 15:52:27 Anthony Dillon ubuntu-website: assignee Anthony Dillon (ya-bo-ng)
2011-11-28 11:18:57 Pasi Lallinaho attachment added A screenshot depicting the problem with nested <ul>'s
2011-11-28 11:19:22 Pasi Lallinaho ubuntu-website: status Confirmed New
2011-11-28 11:29:39 Pasi Lallinaho summary Links, bold and italic text in lists produce unwanted margin List items produce unwanted margin
2015-01-14 22:45:49 Anthony Dillon ubuntu-website: assignee Anthony Dillon (ya-bo-ng)