Activity log for bug #1059170

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2012-09-30 17:13:26 Thibault D bug added bug
2012-09-30 17:13:26 Thibault D attachment added apport.png
2012-09-30 18:58:07 Thibault D description The information message appeared after doing : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug ubiquity 2/ Ubuntu will ask to confirm the authentication 3/ Click on Cancel 4/ The following message appears : "The debug file from your installation would hepl us a lot but includes the password you used for your user when installing Ubuntu. Do you want to include this log file?" (see screenshot) The information message appeared after doing : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug ubiquity 2/ Ubuntu will ask to confirm the authentication 3/ Click on Cancel 4/ The following message appears : "The debug file from your installation would hepl us a lot but includes the password you used for your user when installing Ubuntu. Do you want to include this log file?" Other messages I have encountered : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug unity 2/ Ubuntu will ask two questions : - "Thanks for reporting this bug on unity. Is the issue you are reporting purely graphical (will report more information about your graphic configuration and will report the bug against compiz)?" - "Your display manager log files may help developers diagnose the bug, but may contain sensitive information such as your hostname. Do you want to include these logs in your bug report?" (see screenshots)
2012-09-30 18:58:33 Thibault D attachment added apport (ubuntu-bug unity #1).png
2012-09-30 18:58:48 Thibault D attachment added apport (ubuntu-bug unity #2).png
2012-09-30 18:59:44 Thibault D description The information message appeared after doing : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug ubiquity 2/ Ubuntu will ask to confirm the authentication 3/ Click on Cancel 4/ The following message appears : "The debug file from your installation would hepl us a lot but includes the password you used for your user when installing Ubuntu. Do you want to include this log file?" Other messages I have encountered : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug unity 2/ Ubuntu will ask two questions : - "Thanks for reporting this bug on unity. Is the issue you are reporting purely graphical (will report more information about your graphic configuration and will report the bug against compiz)?" - "Your display manager log files may help developers diagnose the bug, but may contain sensitive information such as your hostname. Do you want to include these logs in your bug report?" (see screenshots) The information message appeared after doing : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug ubiquity 2/ Ubuntu will ask to confirm the authentication 3/ Click on Cancel 4/ The following message appears : "The debug file from your installation would help us a lot but includes the password you used for your user when installing Ubuntu. Do you want to include this log file?" Other messages I have encountered : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug unity 2/ Ubuntu will ask two questions : - "Thanks for reporting this bug on unity. Is the issue you are reporting purely graphical (will report more information about your graphic configuration and will report the bug against compiz)?" - "Your display manager log files may help developers diagnose the bug, but may contain sensitive information such as your hostname. Do you want to include these logs in your bug report?" (see screenshots)
2012-10-01 12:30:22 David Planella bug task added apport (Ubuntu)
2012-12-13 18:36:51 Launchpad Janitor apport (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2012-12-13 19:23:56 Hendrik Schrieber bug task added apport
2012-12-13 19:24:07 Hendrik Schrieber summary [french] apport > information message not localized information message not localized
2012-12-13 19:24:28 Hendrik Schrieber bug added subscriber Ubuntu German Translators
2012-12-13 19:24:37 Hendrik Schrieber tags i18n precise quantal
2012-12-13 20:20:35 Hendrik Schrieber bug added subscriber Hendrik Knackstedt
2012-12-13 20:20:46 Hendrik Schrieber apport: status New Confirmed
2012-12-13 20:28:57 Hendrik Schrieber summary information message not localized Apport hook for ubiquity (included) not translated
2012-12-13 20:30:02 Hendrik Schrieber description The information message appeared after doing : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug ubiquity 2/ Ubuntu will ask to confirm the authentication 3/ Click on Cancel 4/ The following message appears : "The debug file from your installation would help us a lot but includes the password you used for your user when installing Ubuntu. Do you want to include this log file?" Other messages I have encountered : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug unity 2/ Ubuntu will ask two questions : - "Thanks for reporting this bug on unity. Is the issue you are reporting purely graphical (will report more information about your graphic configuration and will report the bug against compiz)?" - "Your display manager log files may help developers diagnose the bug, but may contain sensitive information such as your hostname. Do you want to include these logs in your bug report?" (see screenshots) The information message appeared after doing : 1/ ALT+F2 ubuntu-bug ubiquity 2/ Ubuntu will ask to confirm the authentication 3/ Click on Cancel 4/ The following message appears : "The debug file from your installation would help us a lot but includes the password you used for your user when installing Ubuntu. Do you want to include this log file?" This string is from an included hook in Apport and should therefore be translated by Apport.
2013-03-25 14:06:54 Martin Pitt apport (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Won't Fix
2013-03-25 14:06:57 Martin Pitt apport: status Confirmed Won't Fix
2013-03-25 14:07:02 Martin Pitt apport: status Won't Fix Invalid
2013-03-25 21:56:45 Hendrik Schrieber ubuntu-translations: status New Confirmed
2013-05-12 16:03:34 Hendrik Schrieber marked as duplicate 855337