When we tried to install this deb package on Ubuntu 16.04, an error occurred. Please refer to the attached picture for details.
In addition, we also tried to upgrade the system-config-printer component with the [sudo apt-get upgrade] command, but the version is still 1.5.7 after the upgrade.
Could you tell us how to install system-config-printer 1.5.9 on Ubuntu 16.04?
Dear Till,
Thank you very much for your fast reply.
We downloaded a deb package (system- config- printer_ 1.5.9+20170825- 0ubuntu1_ all.deb) from the following address: /ubuntu. pkgs.org/ 17.10/ubuntu- main-amd64/ system- config- printer_ 1.5.9+20170825- 0ubuntu1_ all.deb. html
When we tried to install this deb package on Ubuntu 16.04, an error occurred. Please refer to the attached picture for details.
In addition, we also tried to upgrade the system- config- printer component with the [sudo apt-get upgrade] command, but the version is still 1.5.7 after the upgrade.
Could you tell us how to install system- config- printer 1.5.9 on Ubuntu 16.04?