This isn't a bug in ubuntu-image. The crash is coming from `snap prepare-image` and u-i just forwards that along because there's nothing more it can do. I opened a bugtask for snapd; here's how to reproduce it.
1. wget the model and the gadget snap from w-ondra's attachements
2. ubuntu-image --channel edge -o ../images/ondra.img -d ../models/pi3-ondra.model --extra-snap ../ondra/pi3-ondra_16.04-0.5_armhf.snap
Here's the full traceback so you can see it's coming from snap.
DEBUG:ubuntu-image:-> [ 0] make_temporary_directories
DEBUG:ubuntu-image:-> [ 1] prepare_image
error: attribute "usb-vendor" of slot "zwave-aeon-g5": invalid attribute scalar: 658
ERROR:ubuntu-image:COMMAND FAILED: snap prepare-image --channel=edge --extra-snaps=../ondra/pi3-ondra_16.04-0.5_armhf.snap ../models/pi3-ondra.model /tmp/tmpsbngmcs_/unpack
ERROR:ubuntu-image:Full debug traceback follows
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/barry/projects/ubuntu/allsnappy/ubuntu-image/ubuntu_image/", line 128, in prepare_image, self.args.extra_snaps)
File "/home/barry/projects/ubuntu/allsnappy/ubuntu-image/ubuntu_image/", line 116, in snap
run(cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=os.environ)
File "/home/barry/projects/ubuntu/allsnappy/ubuntu-image/ubuntu_image/", line 97, in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 659, in check_returncode
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['snap', 'prepare-image', '--channel=edge', '--extra-snaps=../ondra/pi3-ondra_16.04-0.5_armhf.snap', '../models/pi3-ondra.model', '/tmp/tmpsbngmcs_/unpack']' returned non-zero exit status 1
This isn't a bug in ubuntu-image. The crash is coming from `snap prepare-image` and u-i just forwards that along because there's nothing more it can do. I opened a bugtask for snapd; here's how to reproduce it.
1. wget the model and the gadget snap from w-ondra's attachements pi3-ondra. model --extra-snap ../ondra/ pi3-ondra_ 16.04-0. 5_armhf. snap
2. ubuntu-image --channel edge -o ../images/ondra.img -d ../models/
Here's the full traceback so you can see it's coming from snap.
DEBUG:ubuntu- image:- > [ 0] make_temporary_ directories image:- > [ 1] prepare_image image:COMMAND FAILED: snap prepare-image --channel=edge --extra- snaps=. ./ondra/ pi3-ondra_ 16.04-0. 5_armhf. snap ../models/ pi3-ondra. model /tmp/tmpsbngmcs _/unpack image:Full debug traceback follows barry/projects/ ubuntu/ allsnappy/ ubuntu- image/ubuntu_ image/builder. py", line 128, in prepare_image, self.args. extra_snaps) barry/projects/ ubuntu/ allsnappy/ ubuntu- image/ubuntu_ image/helpers. py", line 116, in snap barry/projects/ ubuntu/ allsnappy/ ubuntu- image/ubuntu_ image/helpers. py", line 97, in run check_returncod e() python3. 5/subprocess. py", line 659, in check_returncode CalledProcessEr ror: Command '['snap', 'prepare-image', '--channel=edge', '--extra- snaps=. ./ondra/ pi3-ondra_ 16.04-0. 5_armhf. snap', '../models/ pi3-ondra. model', '/tmp/tmpsbngmc s_/unpack' ]' returned non-zero exit status 1
error: attribute "usb-vendor" of slot "zwave-aeon-g5": invalid attribute scalar: 658
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/
File "/home/
run(cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=os.environ)
File "/home/
File "/usr/lib/