Activity log for bug #677134

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2010-11-18 18:36:47 Paul Sladen bug added bug
2010-11-18 18:37:20 Paul Sladen ubuntu-font-family: importance Undecided Low
2010-11-18 18:37:20 Paul Sladen ubuntu-font-family: status New Incomplete
2010-11-18 18:37:20 Paul Sladen ubuntu-font-family: milestone mono
2010-11-18 18:37:20 Paul Sladen ubuntu-font-family: assignee Amelie (amelie)
2010-11-30 05:33:58 Paul Sladen description In the Ubuntu Mono a number of the characters are "bulked out" to the full width of the monospace grid by using serifs (even through the core design has non-serif tendencies), these include the letters in the word 'flirt' and to a less-extent, 'j' and '1' a few alternatives have been proposed, circular serifs, half-serifs and full horizontal serifs. One possibility is to use the straight serifs for the uprights and the curved variants for the monospace italics to give a bit of a difference (with monospace there is no opportunity to tightening the tracking). In the Ubuntu Mono a number of the characters are "bulked out" to the full width of the monospace grid by using serifs (even through the core design has non-serif tendencies), these include the letters in the word   'flirt' and to a lesser-extent, 'j' and '1' a few alternatives have been proposed, circular serifs, half-serifs and full horizontal serifs. One possibility is to use the straight serifs for the uprights and the curved variants for the monospace italics to give a bit of a difference (with monospace there is no opportunity to tightening the tracking).
2010-11-30 13:14:14 George Ryan attachment added monospace_test.png
2010-12-04 16:03:43 Paul Sladen attachment added 2010-12-03-mono-serif-styles-a-to-e.pdf
2010-12-07 13:37:31 Amelie Bonet attachment added (from b)
2010-12-07 16:13:36 Amelie Bonet attachment added version (d)
2010-12-07 16:40:47 Paul Sladen ubuntu-font-family: importance Low High
2011-09-14 10:43:58 Yann Dìnendal bug added subscriber Yann Dìnendal
2011-09-16 12:58:38 Dustin Kirkland  ubuntu-font-family: status Incomplete Confirmed
2011-09-16 13:02:10 Dustin Kirkland  attachment added fil.png
2011-12-02 08:30:42 Paul Sladen ubuntu-font-family: status Confirmed Fix Released