Activity log for bug #286612

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-10-20 20:22:38 bedfojo bug added bug
2008-10-20 21:08:26 Adam McDaniel ubuntu-eeepc-kernel: status New In Progress
2008-10-20 21:08:26 Adam McDaniel ubuntu-eeepc-kernel: assignee adam.mcdaniel
2008-10-20 21:08:26 Adam McDaniel ubuntu-eeepc-kernel: importance Undecided Medium
2008-10-20 21:08:26 Adam McDaniel ubuntu-eeepc-kernel: statusexplanation Assigning myself. Note that the ath5k driver should still remain the default as this is what Intrepid itself is aiming for. I can restore madwifi's ath_pci module frombranch "madwifi-hal-" back onto the intrepid eeepc/eeepc-lean kernels. (Note Madwifi is still the default on the hardy eeepc kernel.) To enable (when it's ready) 1. Add "blacklist ath5k" to /etc/modprobe.d/eeepc 2. Append "ath_pci" to /etc/modules 3. Reboot (I imagine eventually there will be an easier config option applied to eeepc-config, when this fix is released)
2009-05-08 08:28:02 Fabio Albieri removed subscriber Fabio Albieri
2009-06-03 07:27:57 alcarola removed subscriber alcarola
2010-04-27 14:12:31 Arne Bockholdt removed subscriber Arne Bockholdt
2016-10-22 18:04:29 bedfojo removed subscriber bedfojo