subiquity isn't able to create btrfs subvolumes during installation

Bug #1881932 reported by Gannet
This bug affects 16 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

I always use my system on two btrfs subvolumes: @ and @home. And it worked until 20.04 came out with no Debian installer but with new unusable subiquity one which is not creates btrfs subvolumes if I chose / as a mount point on btrfs. Instead of it says: "Mounting an existing filesystem at / is usually a bad idea, proceed only with caution" which is quite strange in my case. How should I install 20.04 on btrfs with two subvolumes?

Gannet (ken20001)
no longer affects: subiquity (Ubuntu)
tags: added: focal
tags: added: subiquity
tags: added: wos
tags: removed: subiquity wos
Gannet (ken20001)
tags: added: subiquity
Revision history for this message
Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson) wrote :

Yes, this is a gap.

Out of curiosity, would you be OK with supporting ZFS in a similar way as the desktop installer currently does, or do you prefer btrfs for some reason?

Changed in subiquity:
status: New → Triaged
no longer affects: subiquity (Ubuntu)
Revision history for this message
RussianNeuroMancer (russianneuromancer) wrote :

Michael, I guess you perfectly know why people choose ZFS over btrfs, and why other people choose btrfs over ZFS. Lack of proper btrfs support in Ubuntu Server installer wouldn't suddenly make admins switch from btrfs to ZFS - instead they will switch to Debian with familiar behavior.

So in my option right question is not "if btrfs users is Ok with ZFS?" but "for how long btrfs users willing to wait until subiquity implement familiar behavior for installation on btrfs before they will start transition to Debian?"

Revision history for this message
Mikhail Novosyolov (mikhailnov) wrote :

+1 for @ and @home by default. No wish to have affairs with ZFS.

Revision history for this message
Halvor Lyche Strandvoll (halvors) wrote :

+1 for @ and @home by default.

Revision history for this message
Thomas Dreibholz (dreibh) wrote :

+1 for @ and @home by default.

Revision history for this message
Tomaz Strukelj (cofkomail) wrote :

You can just move to @ and @home manually after install.
My issue is a different one, Subiquity doesn't support installing on existing btrfs (I have RAID1 setup), it errors out with exit status 3.

My workaround was to
1. install the system on a separate drive
2. manually copy everything to new btrfs subvolumes /@ and /@home
3. make it bootable by booting from live ISO and running:

# be careful here, don't set the wrong device
MNTOPTS="-o subvol=@"

mkdir ${MNTPATH}
mount -t proc none ${MNTPATH}/proc
mount -o bind /dev ${MNTPATH}/dev
mount -o bind /sys ${MNTPATH}/sys

# get into the target system
DEVPATH=${DEVPATH} chroot ${MNTPATH} /bin/bash

# generate Grub2 config grub.cfg

# generate Grub2 menu.lst file

update-initramfs -u -k all

# clean bootloader ; 512 (MBR) = 446 (bootloader) + 64 (part table) + 2 (signature)
dd if=/dev/zero of=$DEVPATH bs=446 count=1

# install Grub2 to MBR
grub-install --recheck $DEVPATH

Revision history for this message
Gannet (ken20001) wrote :

I can just use windows. But this is not my option. Thanks. A full-fledged installer should support this simple things. Moreover a Debian installer had this support.

BTW Debian installer has not support installation on RAID1/0. And you can just first make an installation on usual partition and then add another one partition to the first one with 'btrfs device add' command and then perform a balancing with 'btrfs filesystem balance start -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1 /'.

Revision history for this message
Anadon (anadon) wrote :
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