Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: stable/wallaby
commit ddd78c8e9053dce4a6f66cdaa6abccb51e107fb4 Author: Alexey Stupnikov <email address hidden> Date: Fri May 5 20:47:21 2023 +0200
Fix admin and internal Glance endpoint ports
Separate Glance service was introduced recently to adopt recommendations outlined in OSSN-0090: Id093613f9d410eb3fe5564a724c0f75275eeb4e8
Some TLS-related environment files are missing in master and stable/zed, but present in stable/wallaby. So backport introduced regression.
This patch fixes inconsistend GlanceAdmin and GlanceInternal endpoint definitions in various environment files.
RHBZ: Closes-bug: #2018622 Change-Id: I4d3fb7ba5b33425e0efab9293b36c75ee9111f4b
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /tripleo- heat-templates/ +/882474 /opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- heat-templates/ commit/ ddd78c8e9053dce 4a6f66cdaa6abcc b51e107fb4
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit ddd78c8e9053dce 4a6f66cdaa6abcc b51e107fb4
Author: Alexey Stupnikov <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 5 20:47:21 2023 +0200
Fix admin and internal Glance endpoint ports
Separate Glance service was introduced recently to adopt 410eb3fe5564a72 4c0f75275eeb4e8
recommendations outlined in OSSN-0090:
Some TLS-related environment files are missing in master and
stable/zed, but present in stable/wallaby. So backport introduced
This patch fixes inconsistend GlanceAdmin and GlanceInternal
endpoint definitions in various environment files.
RHBZ: https:/ /bugzilla. redhat. com/show_ bug.cgi? id=2184424 5e0efab9293b36c 75ee9111f4b
Closes-bug: #2018622
Change-Id: I4d3fb7ba5b3342