centos-9 content provider jobs not starting

Bug #1961122 reported by Rafael Castillo
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released

Bug Description

Centos 9 content provider jobs are failing with retry_limit due to an issue with the upstream ansible-collections community.general git repository.

Affected jobs: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=tripleo-ci-centos-9-content-provider&skip=0

Context from #opendev:
<ianw> Adding node request <NodeRequest 300-0017269841 ['centos-9-stream']> for job <FrozenJob tripleo-ci-centos-9-content-provider> to item <QueueItem 4cd6063e4397459dabb0793b8f36afbf for <Change 0x7f1cc4175250 openstack/tripleo-ansible 828920,3> in check>
<ianw> 2022-02-16 22:05:04,927 DEBUG zuul.nodepool: [e: 1a7616b0e3c74112b17d45540797e1ab] Node request <NodeRequest 300-0017269841 ['centos-9-stream']> fulfilled
<ianw> 2022-02-16 22:05:04,884 DEBUG nodepool.driver.NodeRequestHandler[nl04.opendev.org-PoolWorker.ovh-bhs1-main-ae1885d0488944b68fb9a380bcdca2b9]: [e: 1a7616b0e3c74112b17d45540797e1ab] [node_request: 300-0017269841] Fulfilled node request
<ianw> nl04 fufilled the request, and it went to ovh-bhs1
<ianw> 2022-02-16 22:04:24,900 ERROR zuul.AnsibleJob: [e: 1a7616b0e3c74112b17d45540797e1ab] [build: e89d10ecb10a4812b1dd9e4ea50fdb1a] Exception while executing job
<ianw> on ze03 ... this might be a clue
<ianw> https://paste.opendev.org/show/bZxLtgjgsH1w3q7Yj4xP/ is the full error
<ianw> 2022-02-16 22:04:24,900 ERROR zuul.AnsibleJob: ValueError: SHA b'01e50ed7dac6cd25ce268d01cc457910633ccbf0' could not be resolved, git returned: b'01e50ed7dac6cd25ce268d01cc457910633ccbf0 missing'


<clarkb> considering this seems to be somewhat widepsread I suspect this isn't a problem on our end but somethign we are managing to fetch from upstream (but we should confirm that)
<ianw> this must have run several times across executors you'd think
<ianw> yeah, what you said :)
<ianw> [iwienand@fedora19 community.general (main)]$ git show 01e50ed7dac6cd25ce268d01cc457910633ccbf0
<ianw> fatal: bad object 01e50ed7dac6cd25ce268d01cc457910633ccbf0
<clarkb> that is unfortunate for ansible, but I'm not sure we can do anything about it?
<clarkb> eg that should be fixed upstream
<ianw> i guess i will file an issue with ansible, i feel like github may have to get involved

Revision history for this message
Alan Pevec (apevec) wrote :

@Rafael is this still a blocker? I see CIX was moved to Done, if so this LP should be closed and/or Tag promotion-blocker removed.

Ronelle Landy (rlandy)
Changed in tripleo:
status: Triaged → Fix Released
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