stderr: |-
Completed short name "ineverneverneverexist" with unqualified-search registries (origin: /etc/containers/registries.conf)
Trying to pull
name unknown: Repo not found
Trying to pull
unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: Please login to the Red Hat Registry using your Customer Portal credentials. Further instructions can be found here:
Trying to pull
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Error: 3 errors occurred while pulling:
* Error initializing source docker:// Error reading manifest latest in name unknown: Repo not found
* Error initializing source docker:// unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: Please login to the Red Hat Registry using your Customer Portal credentials. Further instructions can be found here:
* Error initializing source docker://ineverneverneverexist:latest: Error reading manifest latest in errors:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
unauthorized: authentication required
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
fatal: [instance]: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: Failed create container container
stderr: |-
Error: unknown flag: --detach
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
fatal: [instance]: FAILED! => changed=true
cmd: podman pod rm -f testidempod
delta: '0:00:00.127698'
end: '2021-03-01 16:10:32.795571'
msg: non-zero return code
rc: 1
start: '2021-03-01 16:10:32.667873'
stderr: 'Error: no pod with name or ID testidempod found: no such pod'
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
----- generated html file: file:///home/zuul/zuul-output/logs/reports.html -----
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED ../../../tests/ - AssertionError: asser...
======================== 1 failed in 140.95s (0:02:20) =========================
/home/zuul/test-python/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/ DeprecationWarning: testinfra package has been renamed to pytest-testinfra. Please `pip install pytest-testinfra` and `pip uninstall testinfra` and update your package requirements to avoid this message
), DeprecationWarning)
new podman doesn't support create with --detach. We had a patch for THT, looks like we need to update something else as well