Hi Olivier,
Thanks for the bug report. It has been a while since that patch was landed so my memory may be a bit rusty, but I don't believe we considered the use case of Linux distributions side-loading dictionaries in this way...
Would it be a useful work-around to convert these dictionaries to the [WebExtension dictionary format](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/dictionaries)? I haven't tested this myself, but at least in Firefox it is [possible to side-load extensions](https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/publish/distribute-sideloading/#standard-extension-folders), so perhaps installing such extensions to a location like `/usr/lib/thunderbird/extensions/{uuid}` may be a useful workaround?
Hi Olivier,
Thanks for the bug report. It has been a while since that patch was landed so my memory may be a bit rusty, but I don't believe we considered the use case of Linux distributions side-loading dictionaries in this way...
Would it be a useful work-around to convert these dictionaries to the [WebExtension dictionary format](https:/ /developer. mozilla. org/en- US/docs/ Mozilla/ Add-ons/ WebExtensions/ manifest. json/dictionari es)? I haven't tested this myself, but at least in Firefox it is [possible to side-load extensions](https:/ /extensionworks hop.com/ documentation/ publish/ distribute- sideloading/ #standard- extension- folders), so perhaps installing such extensions to a location like `/usr/lib/ thunderbird/ extensions/ {uuid}` may be a useful workaround?