Comment 1 for bug 1520368

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Sparhawk (sparhawkthesecond) wrote :

I just wanted to note a workaround to this. You can send an additional command to terminator to set the title.

    print -Pn \"\e]0;<tab_title>\a\"

Hence, you can use the following (escaping the ").

    terminator --new-tab -x "TERM=xterm-256color; print -Pn \"\e]0;Mutt\a\"; export BROWSER=firefox; mutt -Z || mutt"

(For mutt specifically, you can just `set ts_enabled = yes` and also set ts_status_format, but this is useful for other commands that don't offer this functionality.)

It'd be neat to integrate this into terminator directly, but I'm happy for this to be closed if you prefer.