Activity log for bug #1998916

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2022-12-06 11:56:29 Lukas Piwowarski bug added bug
2022-12-06 11:56:29 Lukas Piwowarski attachment added Logs from the tempest-multioned-full-py3 job
2022-12-06 14:13:02 Martin Kopec tempest: importance Undecided High
2022-12-06 14:13:02 Martin Kopec tempest: status New Confirmed
2022-12-08 11:26:11 Lukas Piwowarski summary test_minimum_basic_instance_hard_reboot_after_vol_snap_deletion scenario test fails on ssh to CirrOS image Scenario tests fail because of long boot time of CirrOS VM