Tacker fails to register openstack VIM
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
tacker |
Kenta Fukaya |
Bug Description
I am using Tacker (master commit 46a28fc8) with devstack to connect external openstack.
I register VIM with config:
auth_url: 'http://
username: 'admin'
password: 'xxxxxx'
project_name: 'admin'
user_domain_name: 'Default'
#cert_verify: 'False'
Run command "openstack vim register --config-file ./vim_config_
I trace tacker source code, and find cause.
In tacker/
regions = self._find_
resp = ks_client.
_find_regions calls ks_client.get with '/v3/regions'.
However, I capture the http packet and find that the real request URL sent to VIM is '/v3/v3/regions'.
After moidfy the code to ks_client.
I am not sure this is tacker's BUG, keystoneauth1's BUG or I misconfig something.
Changed in tacker: | |
assignee: | nobody → Yasufumi Ogawa (yasufum) |
Changed in tacker: | |
assignee: | Yasufumi Ogawa (yasufum) → Hiromu Asahina (h-asahina) |
Changed in tacker: | |
assignee: | Hiromu Asahina (h-asahina) → Kenta Fukaya (fukayan) |
Hi, thanks for your report.
In order to determine the cause, could you give me the following information?
- version of keystoneauth1
- endpoint URL of keystone