attaching server debug log and here's the current entirety of user-data:
``` user-data: write_files: - content: | PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games" LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="en_US:en" EDITOR="vim" owner: "root:root" path: /etc/environment permissions: "0644" - content: | config: core.https_address: '[::]:8443' core.trust_password: P@ssw0rd! networks: [] storage_pools: - config: source: local volatile.initial_source: /dev/vdb zfs.pool_name: local description: "Local ZFS pool on /dev/sdb" name: local driver: zfs profiles: - config: {} description: Default LXD profile devices: eth0: name: eth0 nictype: bridged parent: br0 type: nic root: path: / pool: local type: disk name: default projects: - config: features.images: "true" features.networks: "true" features.profiles: "true" "true" description: Default LXD project name: default owner: "root:root" path: /root/lxd-config permissions: "0640" packages: - net-tools - bridge-utils # - zfsutils-linux postruncmd: - echo hello > /root/test1 - zpool destroy local - sleep 10 - apt install zfsutils-linux -y - zpool create -f -m none -O compression=on local /dev/vdb - cat /root/lxd-config | lxd init --preseed
attaching server debug log and here's the current entirety of user-data:
PATH= "/usr/local/ sbin:/usr/ local/bin: /usr/sbin: /usr/bin: /sbin:/ bin:/usr/ games:/ usr/local/ games"
LC_ALL= "en_US. UTF-8"
LANG= "en_US. UTF-8"
LANGUAGE= "en_US: en"
EDITOR= "vim"
permissions: "0644"
core. https_address: '[::]:8443'
core. trust_password: P@ssw0rd!
storage_ pools:
source: local
volatile. initial_ source: /dev/vdb
zfs.pool_ name: local
descriptio n: "Local ZFS pool on /dev/sdb"
descriptio n: Default LXD profile
name: eth0
nictype: bridged
parent: br0
type: nic
path: /
pool: local
type: disk
features. images: "true"
features. networks: "true"
features. profiles: "true"
features. storage. volumes: "true"
descriptio n: Default LXD project
permissions: "0640"
- content: |
owner: "root:root"
path: /etc/environment
- content: |
networks: []
- config:
name: local
driver: zfs
- config: {}
name: default
- config:
name: default
owner: "root:root"
path: /root/lxd-config
- net-tools
- bridge-utils
# - zfsutils-linux
- echo hello > /root/test1
- zpool destroy local
- sleep 10
- apt install zfsutils-linux -y
- zpool create -f -m none -O compression=on local /dev/vdb
- cat /root/lxd-config | lxd init --preseed