commit 07aeed694edd3139c4b19020ddcc73baa341998b
Author: Scott Little <email address hidden>
Date: Mon May 3 13:16:53 2021 -0400
fix bad flockflock url fails due to a bad path containing
The path is constructed, and the trigger is when an EOL is missing
from a centos_build_layer.cfg file, causing 'cat' to merge the last
line of the offending file with the first line of the next file.
Switch 'cat' to 'grep', which will always ensure an EOL is present.
Along the way, we can filter out empty lines and comments.
Closes-bug: 1926987
Signed-off-by: Scott Little <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit b96ebc83d859a4a7802a462504817ecec6182a7b)
(cherry picked from commit 7b5f3a45e663866a3c0ca3ca86eb3c92bc7f0210)
Change-Id: I79a96ddc8333a2465ba03b1d2abbad9a8b3b58f0
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/starlingx /tools/ +/790700 /opendev. org/starlingx/ tools/commit/ 07aeed694edd313 9c4b19020ddcc73 baa341998b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: r/stx.5.0
commit 07aeed694edd313 9c4b19020ddcc73 baa341998b
Author: Scott Little <email address hidden>
Date: Mon May 3 13:16:53 2021 -0400
fix bad flockflock url
download_ mirror. sh fails due to a bad path containing tools/centos- mirror- tools/config/ centos/ flockflock’
The path is constructed, and the trigger is when an EOL is missing build_layer. cfg file, causing 'cat' to merge the last
from a centos_
line of the offending file with the first line of the next file.
Switch 'cat' to 'grep', which will always ensure an EOL is present.
Along the way, we can filter out empty lines and comments.
Closes-bug: 1926987 7802a462504817e cec6182a7b) a3c0ca3ca86eb3c 92bc7f0210) 465ba03b1d2abba d9a8b3b58f0
Signed-off-by: Scott Little <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit b96ebc83d859a4a
(cherry picked from commit 7b5f3a45e663866
Change-Id: I79a96ddc8333a2