so, not a regression, it just never worked, that's better :)
$ snapcraft push elopio-my-snap-name_0.1_amd64.snap --release=edge
Pushing 'elopio-my-snap-name_0.1_amd64.snap' to the store.
You are not the publisher or allowed to push revisions for this snap. To become the publisher, run `snapcraft register elopio-my-snap-name` and try to push again.
so, not a regression, it just never worked, that's better :)
$ snapcraft push elopio- my-snap- name_0. 1_amd64. snap --release=edge my-snap- name_0. 1_amd64. snap' to the store. my-snap- name` and try to push again.
Pushing 'elopio-
You are not the publisher or allowed to push revisions for this snap. To become the publisher, run `snapcraft register elopio-
Thanks Kit.