I've uploaded localized screenshots along with description and such for uber-web.saviq, but the returned screenshots are never localized:
$ curl -H "Accept-Language: pl" https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/uber-web.saviq | jq '.description, .screenshot_urls'
"Mobilna aplikacja Uber.\r\n\r\nUWAGA:\r\nJeśli podczas zamawiania przejazdu aplikacja poinformuje, że używasz zbyt starej wersji, musisz zgłosić ten problem na <email address hidden>, oni aktywują dostęp do http://m.uber.com/ dla twojego konta."
$ curl -H "Accept-Language: en" https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/uber-web.saviq | jq '.description, .screenshot_urls'
"Everyone's private driver\nThe mobile Uber web app.\r\n\r\nNOTE:\r\nIf, when requesting a ride, the app says that it's too old, you need to contact Uber support at <email address hidden> to enable your account for http://m.uber.com/."
Note description is translated, but screenshots are not. The correct URLs should be:
The localised screenshot URLs are not in the Index:
``` /search. apps.ubuntu. com/api/ v1/search? q=name: uber-web. saviq&fields= translations' | jq . :package" : [ /search. apps.ubuntu. com/api/ v1/package/ uber-web. saviq"
"translations" : {
"keywords" : [
"taksówka" ,
"taksowka" ,
"descripti on": "Mobilna aplikacja Uber.\r\ n\r\nUWAGA: \r\nJeśli podczas zamawiania przejazdu aplikacja poinformuje, że używasz zbyt starej wersji, musisz zgłosić ten problem na <email address hidden>, oni aktywują dostęp do http:// m.uber. com/ dla twojego konta.",
"title" : "Uber Mobile" /wiki.ubuntu. com/AppStore/ Interfaces/ ClickPackageInd ex#reltype_{rel}",
"templated" : true /search. apps.ubuntu. com/api/ v1/search? q=name% 3Auber- web.saviq& fields= translations& page=1" /search. apps.ubuntu. com/api/ v1/search? q=name% 3Auber- web.saviq& fields= translations& page=1" /search. apps.ubuntu. com/api/ v1/search? q=name% 3Auber- web.saviq& fields= translations& page=1"
$ curl -s 'https:/
"_embedded": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https:/
"pl": {
"_links": {
"curies": [
"href": "https:/
"name": "clickindex",
"self": {
"href": "https:/
"last": {
"href": "https:/
"first": {
"href": "https:/
However, local testing has shown that if localised screenshot URLs are provided in the translations dict when publishing to the index, then they are returned as expected:
``` cpi-trusty. lxc:8000/ api/v1/ search? q=name: ubuntu- hangups. timsueberkrueb& fields= screenshot_ urls,translatio ns' -H 'Accept-Language: en' -s | jq . :package" : [ localhost: 8000/api/ v1/package/ ubuntu- hangups. timsueberkrueb"
"translations" : {
"screensho t_urls" : [ localhost/ dummy.png", localhost/ dummy2. png"
"screenshot_ urls": [ /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/08/ screenshot- 02.png", /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/08/ screenshot- 03.png", /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/09/ screenshot20150 906_142917143. png", /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/09/ screenshot20150 906_143014836. png", /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/09/ screenshot20150 906_143112530. png", /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/09/ screenshot20150 906_143201841. png", /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/09/ screenshot20150 906_143214054. png", /myapps. developer. ubuntu. com/site_ media/appmedia/ 2015/09/ screen...
$ curl 'http://
"_embedded": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://
"pl": {