In this case, I am downloading and unpacking a tar.gz with the "dump" plugin. If I check the result of this in the ./parts/mypart/install directory, I can see all the files from the tar; including hidden files and directories. However, once the part is staged, these hidden files and directories seem to be filtered out. I can hack them into the stage directory using "organize" to remove the prefixed "." but this can obviously cause issues with libraries looking for the original name. This is also lost from stage -> prime, if I manually copy the hidden files / directories into stage and then run `snapcraft prime`. However, it does work if I copy them into prime and run `snapcraft snap`.
Not sure if this is intentional or if it's a bug?
This is affecting rocket chat, which has to add .node_version.txt to the stage keyword in order to get the dot file in the resulting snap.