Bootstrapping Juju onto machine .. Unlimited loading

Bug #2025316 reported by Jin
This bug affects 4 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenStack Snap

Bug Description

Running the 'sunbeam cluster bootstrap --accept-defaults' mentioned in the single-node quickstart post results in infinite loading.

It runs fine on Ubuntu Server 22.04, but the problem only occurs on Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop. Installing the Desktop environment on Ubuntu Server 22.04 causes the same symptoms as Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop.

'DEBUG Running command /snap/openstack/201/juju/bin/juju bootstrap sunbeam sunbeam-controller' is still loading when debugging with the 'sunbeam -v cluster bootstrap --accept-defaults' -v flag.

Revision history for this message
Matt Verran (mv-2112) wrote (last edit ):

As another user wanting to do the same, here are some observations I've noticed while trying to debug (22.04.3):

- Running within Multipass works fine (thats not how I want to run it though, as with the bug raiser)
- Running juju bootstrap independently works, but does require lxd setup and does issue an 'apparmor' error (update.go:85: cannot change mount namespace according to change mount (/run/user/1000/doc/by-app/snap.juju /run/user/1000/doc none bind,rw,x-snapd.ignore-missing 0 0): cannot inspect "/run/user/1000/doc": lstat /run/user/1000/doc: permission denied) - possibly relates to
- looks like should have fixed this is its the ubuntu user.. regression maybe?

- reinstalled desktop and server, both hung with --accept-defaults.
- reinstalled desktop again from 22.04.2, updated to 22.04.3. --accept-defaults still hangs on creating juju controller. Re-running with sunbeam cluster bootstrap --role control --role compute --role storage --topology single --database single works fine.

Revision history for this message
Matt Verran (mv-2112) wrote :

As of snap 274 this seems to be corrected for me on desktop, but now have other issues around traefik v1 api being used (raised separate ticket).

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