RFE: "Operation Progress" dialog could provide additional info

Bug #245132 reported by Rehan Khan
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Smart Package Manager

Bug Description

Imported: http://tracker.labix.org/issue330

Reason: Review Issue. Better organisation of the gui install progress dialog. Gets my vote :)

further details: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/smart/+spec/bug-reporting-migration

msg1198 (view) Author: blueser Date: 2007-10-04.12:09:59

The Operation Progress dialog shows lots of info (progress bar, current size,
total size, speed, ETA and URL), but unfortunately all this info doesn't help if
I want to know which package is related to each entry -- my best choice is to
maximize the dialog so that I can see the URL, which is awkward.
IMHO the name of the package should be easily available, either through a new
column at the beginning or a tooltip for each entry.

Rehan Khan (rasker)
Changed in smart:
importance: Undecided → Wishlist
status: New → Confirmed
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