Activity log for bug #808575
Date | Who | What changed | Old value | New value | Message |
2011-07-11 01:45:52 | ark | bug | added bug | ||
2011-07-11 01:45:52 | ark | attachment added | sample image demonstrating bug | ||
2011-07-11 07:27:08 | RaiMan | summary | images consisting of only one color mistakenly always found | X-1.0rc3: images consisting of only one color always found and in wrong location | |
2011-09-06 01:12:41 | Tsung-Hsiang Chang | sikuli: status | New | Fix Committed | |
2011-09-06 01:13:04 | Tsung-Hsiang Chang | sikuli: milestone | x1.0-rc3 | ||
2013-02-21 13:00:12 | RaiMan | sikuli: importance | Undecided | Low | |
2013-02-21 13:00:15 | RaiMan | sikuli: assignee | RaiMan (raimund-hocke) | ||
2013-02-21 13:00:18 | RaiMan | sikuli: milestone | x1.0-rc3 | x1.0 | |
2013-02-21 13:26:16 | RaiMan | tags | fkt-general | ||
2013-02-21 17:54:29 | RaiMan | sikuli: importance | Low | High | |
2013-05-07 13:26:41 | RaiMan | sikuli: importance | High | Critical | |
2013-05-07 13:33:41 | RaiMan | description | 1 sikuli x-1.0rc2 2 os x 10.6.7 64 bit 3 create a 32x32 px png, fill with any solid color (see attachment for sample); use any find operation - usually a match is found in top-left corner of screen, sometimes in random other screen locations | *********** Status with SikuliX-1.0 - works (except for solid black) just using find("image of solid color.png") (similarity is internally set to exact() - findAll(): exact() needed: for matches in findAll(Pattern("solid.png").exact()) - otherwise you still get false positives. ----------------------------------------------- 1 sikuli x-1.0rc2 2 os x 10.6.7 64 bit 3 create a 32x32 px png, fill with any solid color (see attachment for sample); use any find operation - usually a match is found in top-left corner of screen, sometimes in random other screen locations | |
2013-08-14 13:14:34 | RaiMan | sikuli: status | Fix Committed | Fix Released |