Lbaas v2 healthmonitor will update status of "bad" member just as it behaves with v1. However, operating_status of pool members will not change no matter it is normal or not.
My devstack runs in a single node of ubuntu14.04 and uses master branch code, mysql and rabbitmq. Tenantname is 'demo', username is 'demo'. I am using private-subnet for loadbalancer and member VM. octavia provider.
Steps to reproduce:
create a vm from cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec image and create one member accordingly into loadbalancer pool with healthmonitor. Then curl to get the statues of loadbalancer, find member status is online. Then nova stop the member mapped VM, curl again and again. Its operating_status of member keeps 'online' instead of 'error'.
Below comes the curl response. No difference before and after pool member VM turns into SHUTOFF since no status change happens ever.
{"statuses": {"loadbalancer": {"name": "", "listeners": [{"pools": [{"name": "", "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE", "healthmonitor": {"type": "PING", "id": "cb41b4e4-7008-479f-a6d9-4751ac7a1ee4", "name": "", "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"}, "members": [{"name": "", "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE", "address": "", "protocol_port": 80, "id": "6d682536-e9fe-4456-ad24-df8521857ee0", "operating_status": "ONLINE"}], "id": "eaef79a9-d5e0-4582-b45b-cd460beea4fc", "operating_status": "ONLINE"}], "name": "", "id": "4e3a7d98-3ab9-4a39-b915-a9651fcada65", "operating_status": "ONLINE", "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"}], "id": "ef45be96-15e0-42d9-af34-34608dafdb6c", "operating_status": "ONLINE", "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"}}}
Cindia-blue, thank you for this bug report. docs.openstack. org/developer/ neutron/ policies/ bugs.html# bug-report- template
Could you add more information about it, based on this template?