The cinder-common package in Ubuntu and Debian used to provide
the additional config file for tgt daemon to allow the daemon to
expose volumes managed by cinder. However that config file is no longer
provided by the package since Wallaby release and now creating
attachment fails with the following warning in cinder-volume.log.
Failed to create iscsi target for Volume ID: volume-<UUID>. It could be
caused by problem with concurrency. Also please ensure your tgtd config
file contains 'include /var/lib/cinder/volumes/*'
This change ensures the include line is added in Ubuntu/Debian to fix
the error.
Closes-Bug: #1986518
Change-Id: I0c0615c919447164718c265af603fbc4f5e66b1e
(cherry picked from commit 94e4e8c5aeec35a08ebf99ef81e0260b09d35477)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /puppet- cinder/ +/853643 /opendev. org/openstack/ puppet- cinder/ commit/ 34b9f69b682be62 ba201d6199935cc 59dd441df6
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/yoga
commit 34b9f69b682be62 ba201d6199935cc 59dd441df6
Author: Takashi Kajinami <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 15 18:52:03 2022 +0900
lvm: Modify targets.conf in Ubuntu/Debian
The cinder-common package in Ubuntu and Debian used to provide
the additional config file for tgt daemon to allow the daemon to
expose volumes managed by cinder. However that config file is no longer
provided by the package since Wallaby release and now creating
attachment fails with the following warning in cinder-volume.log.
``` cinder/ volumes/ *'
Failed to create iscsi target for Volume ID: volume-<UUID>. It could be
caused by problem with concurrency. Also please ensure your tgtd config
file contains 'include /var/lib/
This change ensures the include line is added in Ubuntu/Debian to fix
the error.
Closes-Bug: #1986518 64718c265af603f bc4f5e66b1e 08ebf99ef81e026 0b09d35477)
Change-Id: I0c0615c9194471
(cherry picked from commit 94e4e8c5aeec35a