Yes, the data is printed as expected in case of posting a new tweet or deleting one. But it seems the stream fails to refresh automatically after I post a new tweet (except before the first tweet posted). In the following trace, I first posted 2 tweets, only the first one appeared on Polly timeline, then I deleted the first one, then posted two more tweets, but only the last one (4th) appeared on Polly timeline. Looks like something is breaking the auto-refresh code after the first tweet is posted successfully. Should probably put some tracing around that code as well. [k4rtik polly]$ polly Polly 0.93.11 (pre-alpha 3.11) Copyright (C) 2011 Marcelo Hashimoto cache path: /home/kasingha/.cache/polly config path: /home/kasingha/.config/polly data home: /home/kasingha/.local/share/polly initializing... done [37208728, 1657730988, 32468665, 49793, 4620451, 21378183, 2170941817, 76612335, 1183684093, 133332145, 31353077, 15390117, 14510158, 16521996, 13479072, 21010243, 71845035, 14278978, 17717614, 44132827, 14452322, 2999841, 18582812, 13334762, 84555119, 752673, 176991766, 34670660, 14685475, 24705126, 49527510, 243112674, 141111177, 14362098, 58326841, 15300300, 58560480, 93473293, 15804774, 90871277, 10954532, 147493686, 21772336, 404472157, 1379453478, 17703462, 41741713, 9533042, 21295041, 14197826, 131498466, 255291612, 5377742, 23971219, 14978981, 17914570, 12150972, 102022974, 19177581, 405427035, 42573217, 484757080, 14839109, 103770785, 18130823, 162776372, 18768244, 7156792, 724473, 3839, 993006330, 42018126, 31181347, 2098451, 16004473, 11333192, 16944211, 221825617, 187667133, 14057362, 15098340, 45321924, 15439395, 62474515, 18987429, 14561327, 39465515, 56505125, 91458830, 15335523, 63049749, 14679848, 18393773, 808009, 15405349, 35104393, 77827772, 41285641, 123621072, 69279691, 93587015, 67890042, 2384071, 243284052, 69893, 17522755, 457886651, 87388484, 84351228, 50254941, 19160166, 75974281, 60310843, 14423566, 22492607, 8822402, 8633952, 52964853, 19071667, 3151421, 11647412, 135120796, 292765643, 18824526, 18040514, 126881128, 17777667, 7788062, 102982202, 17861792, 75714954, 1666038950, 20536157, 51845510, 16589206, 283536994, 59178044, 75478733, 227363436, 49324568, 15421904, 14145498, 17186020, 471741741, 68627219, 143257937, 879114595, 8385342, 16665197, 25037233, 935021, 101311381, 2789291, 14471155, 54714299, 5637652, 93957809, 84118228, 15286109, 5502392, 142394063, 148265382, 77941245, 1665621332, 611986351, 97865628, 186154646, 14249789, 13567, 1962506023, 318063815, 9155142, 29370023, 12526082, 12904842, 8207832, 176864693, 43568964, 939053190, 281015822, 7876572, 783214, 1031966198, 824065, 65289126, 67914616, 14369310, 277434037, 146186456, 17484680, 10385792, 50478950, 5562702, 156897798, 61453726, 17939037, 14637812, 7144422, 1547468708, 86390214, 255617445, 28360450, 16936052, 111889642, 72525598, 44067193, 163952496, 139618840, 356567464, 56950834, 15074679, 1183041, 13621292, 1039443116, 23269231, 100505040, 326585552, 15649930, 15865677, 14961265, 7839952, 19575586, 44196397, 15866192, 14443876, 15143478, 1567548523, 18080969, 18839785, 56304605, 267265444, 641003, 14835908, 662693, 15492359, 572034749, 220139885, 38873536, 18137723, 14214962, 16387631, 105083, 17232315, 18755782, 814641, 1671811, 18761671, 43592062, 16838153, 64719766, 15347534, 14300782, 19816326, 70404281, 7542902, 7375062, 19018183, 17257494, 2425151, 42374574, 72915446, 15948437, 53720690, 93711247, 17485879, 16578411, 17482727, 382267114, 466563654, 304944155, 713263, 16255384, 73879067, 7109592, 15859268, 223807771, 2142731, 13679632, 1908450804, 149505972, 37179280, 26988821, 19814653, 6467102, 14304568, 16532702, 50393960, 39383125, 14761795, 1076217319, 79747253, 48318008, 85010311, 176376937, 9980812, 38679388, 5520952, 747153, 68977380, 15223049, 214073, 24066147, 54548903, 17503180, 8131122, 14134950, 31446315, 128155589, 18978615, 20, 352053266, 3198991, 34933897, 72254300, 22861224, 45172583, 2729061, 17737189, 17731339, 72292440, 75746452, 19425169, 14888753, 226946357, 372475592, 539296619, 14713315, 14854476, 1282946089, 15188173, 14068136, 589081264, 221452291, 22642222, 103424233, 18548778, 4519121, 12593812, 141053964, 268762536, 14432451, 25134469, 19725644, 342899964, 53687449, 196461869, 513067381, 6800542, 50090898, 51182510, 9723562, 34554134, 23721699, 572225652, 125733443, 12579252, 14209177, 13504472, 7415592, 98569787, 28094721, 15425148, 15097062, 36774734, 54847048, 110358179, 230613963, 19929890, 15821823, 220145170, 5856962, 1302874788, 13901092, 8298992, 23079813, 38668266, 129994439, 45786842, 831537756, 14282631, 5608452, 16739757, 65963570, 14064507, 14749606, 44588485, 25687549, 13690882, 175624200, 216939636, 14372143, 15338256, 141684859, 196929096, 363210621, 42837437, 326912209, 121709074, 24315799, 3116191, 5062341, 55291406, 1606002860, 109914762, 6158512, 6998432, 8833242, 15188100] DEBUG: k4rtik connected successfully {u'contributors': None, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'Test tweet (will be deleted soon.)', u'in_reply_to_status_id': None, u'id': 425177752787230720, u'favorite_count': 0, u'source': u'Polly', u'retweeted': False, u'coordinates': None, u'entities': {u'symbols': [], u'user_mentions': [], u'hashtags': [], u'urls': []}, u'in_reply_to_screen_name': None, u'id_str': u'425177752787230720', u'retweet_count': 0, u'in_reply_to_user_id': None, u'favorited': False, u'user': {u'follow_request_sent': None, u'profile_use_background_image': True, u'default_profile_image': False, u'id': 18105314, 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