* New upstream bugfix release.
* SECURITY UPDATE: Pandora password leak to local users. (LP: #733307)
- pithos/PreferencesPithosDialog.py: correct mode on pithos.ini on next
run of pithos
- bin/pithos: run permissions fixer, resave pithos.ini if fix applied
- CVE-2011-1500
* Drop 0001_cell_background_fix.patch and
0002_long_song_format_fix_lp734962.patch, integrated upstream.
This bug was fixed in the package pithos - 0.3.8-1
pithos (0.3.8-1) unstable; urgency=high
* New upstream bugfix release. PreferencesPith osDialog. py: correct mode on pithos.ini on next background_ fix.patch and long_song_ format_ fix_lp734962. patch, integrated upstream.
* SECURITY UPDATE: Pandora password leak to local users. (LP: #733307)
- pithos/
run of pithos
- bin/pithos: run permissions fixer, resave pithos.ini if fix applied
- CVE-2011-1500
* Drop 0001_cell_
pithos (0.3.7-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Correctly handle hour-long songs. (LP: #734962)
* Switch to dh_python2. (closes: #616939)
* Bump standards version, no changes needed.
-- Luke Faraone <email address hidden> Wed, 13 Apr 2011 14:22:05 +0000