The following is the draft of the stable mtr test case. The test case does not contain replication at all. Because to reproduce the case the replication is not important, what is important is the sequence of locking caused by the sequence of transactions and statements, which can reproduced whether on master or on slave. So what the sequence should be? 1) Set S-lock on some record R1 (which can be caused by foreign checking in this case and on the customer's side). 2) Cause page split for the page which contains R1. In the current test right-split is caused, what means that the new page is created to the right of the old page. R1 must be located so that during split process it is moved to the new right page at the first position, i.e., just after infinum. See: --------------- rec_t* btr_page_split_and_insert(...) { ... } else if (btr_page_get_split_rec_to_right(cursor, &split_rec)) { direction = FSP_UP; hint_page_no = page_no + 1; } else if (btr_page_get_split_rec_to_left(cursor, &split_rec)) { ... left_block = block; right_block = new_block; if (!dict_table_is_locking_disabled(cursor->index->table)) { lock_update_split_right(right_block, left_block); } .... } ---------------- 3) If the above condition is true, then R1 S-lock will be copied to the supremum of left-half page, which will cause gap lock. See --------------- void lock_update_split_right(...) { ... /* Inherit the locks to the supremum of left page from the successor of the infimum on right page */ lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(left_block, right_block, PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM, heap_no); ... } --------------- There are several questions which have not yet been covered: 1) Is it possible to repeat the case with non-XA transactions? What is about the same but on slave? 2) This test shows only right-split case, the same issue might also be for left-split case, it needs to be checked. The test itself: ============== --source include/ --eval SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; CREATE TABLE t1 (t1_pk DECIMAL(20,0) PRIMARY KEY , t1_blob BLOB) ENGINE=InnoDB; --echo # Initial filling INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (20000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (30000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (40000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (50000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (60000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (70000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (80000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (90000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (100000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (110000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (120000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (130000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (140000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (150000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (160000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (170000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (180000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (190000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (200000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (210000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (220000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (230000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (240000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (250000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (260000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (270000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (280000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (290000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (300000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (310000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (320000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (330000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (340000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (350000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (360000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (370000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (380000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (390000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (400000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (410000, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (420002, REPEAT("a", 1082)); --echo # Insert records somewhere in the middle to cause page split INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18100, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18200, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18300, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18400, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18500, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18600, REPEAT("a", 1082)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18700, REPEAT("a", 1082)); -- echo # The page is full now, the next insert will cause page split --connect(con2,localhost,root) CREATE TABLE t2 (t2_pk INT PRIMARY KEY, t1_pk DECIMAL(20,0), FOREIGN KEY (t1_pk) REFERENCES t1 (t1_pk)) ENGINE=InnoDB; XA START '2'; --echo # Create S-lock on t1 record with pk = 30000, this record will be the --echo # first record on the right-half page during future splitting, --echo # pay attention, this is not a gap lock, --echo # so this lock is permitted for READ COMMITTED INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, 30000); XA END '2'; XA PREPARE '2'; --connect (con1,localhost,root) XA START '1'; --echo # Page right-split is here, the first record of new right-half page --echo # is the record with pk = 30000, which was previosly S-locked, --echo # the S-lock from this page is copied to the supremum of left-half page --echo # causing gap-lock which is forbidden for READ COMMITED INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18800, REPEAT("a", 1082)); XA END '1'; XA PREPARE '1'; --connection default XA START 'default'; --echo # Trying to insert something into the locked gap, --echo # getting lock wait timeout here despite READ COMMITTED INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (29900, REPEAT("a", 1082)); XA END 'default'; XA PREPARE 'default'; XA COMMIT 'default' --connection con1 XA COMMIT '1'; --connection con2 XA COMMIT '2'; --connection con0 DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1; ================