Hi Sergei, i need (still) explanation how MySQL 'proxy user' can be used with current plugin implementation (with all limitations it has) - IF that would be possible? If not, just stop reading here. I have spent hours trying to make it working, but no luck. Currently I have ended with this setup - just removed Kerberos things - not needed for MySQL authorization (FYI, everything ELSE on system using PAM/LDAP works fine): ---8<--------- # Derived from password-auth-ac, used for mysql pam_auth auth required pam_env.so auth sufficient pam_unix.so nullok try_first_pass auth requisite pam_succeed_if.so uid >= 500 quiet auth sufficient pam_ldap.so use_first_pass auth required pam_deny.so account required pam_access.so account required pam_unix.so broken_shadow account sufficient pam_succeed_if.so uid < 500 quiet account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore] pam_ldap.so account required pam_permit.so password requisite pam_cracklib.so try_first_pass retry=3 type= password sufficient pam_unix.so sha512 nullok try_first_pass use_authtok password sufficient pam_ldap.so use_authtok password required pam_deny.so session required pam_limits.so session [success=1 default=ignore] pam_succeed_if.so service in crond quiet use_uid session required pam_unix.so session optional pam_ldap.so ---8<--------- I am able to ssh (Kerberos 5 with LDAP backend DB authorization + PAM mkhomedir plugin) to box running MySQL server called 'auth_pam-test': ---8<--- $ who am i predrag_zecevic pts/0 2013-02-12 15:53 (xxx.xxx.xxx) $ id -gn zecevic ---8<--- Working with MySQL 5.5.30, fresh installation: ---8<--- $ mysql -uroot mysql -e "show plugins" ... | auth_pam | ACTIVE | AUTHENTICATION | auth_pam.so | GPL | ---8<--- Proxy user setup: ---8<--------- CREATE USER ''@'' IDENTIFIED WITH 'auth_pam' AS 'mysql,zecevic=reader'; CREATE USER 'reader'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'reader_pass'; GRANT PROXY ON 'reader'@'localhost' TO ''@''; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ---8<--------- From another box, when trying to connect, i get error (same in both cases: with and without proper password): ---8<--- $ mysql -hauth_pam-test -upredrag_zecevic -p test -e "SELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER(), @@proxy_user, @@external_user;" Enter password: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'predrag_zecevic'@'predrag-test.my_domain.com' (using password: YES) ---8<--- On 'auth_pam-test' box (from MySQL general log) you can see proxy user setup and my failed attempt:: ---8<--- 130212 16:55:05 6 Connect root@localhost on mysql 6 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 6 Query CREATE USER ''@'' IDENTIFIED WITH 'auth_pam' AS 'mysql,zecevic=reader' 6 Query CREATE USER 'reader'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'reader_pass' 6 Query GRANT PROXY ON 'reader'@'localhost' TO ''@'' 6 Query FLUSH PRIVILEGES 6 Quit 130212 16:55:34 8 Connect predrag_zecevic@predrag-test.my_domain.com as reader on test 8 Connect Access denied for user 'predrag_zecevic'@'predrag-test.my_domain.com' (using password: YES) ---8<--- As you may see, i was authenticated and my primary group was 'detected' (via mapping) as 'reader' user. Still, connection has failed. So, maybe grant ifs failing? Nothing changed after adding simple one: "GRANT SELECT ON `test`.* TO 'reader'@'localhost';" So, i am puzzled (plugin doc is not usable: http://www.percona.com/doc/percona-pam-for-mysql/index.html). If you can bring some light on this, would be fine... IF NOT, i can use script to create every single user grant from LDAP - no big deal... but using proxy user, could save us lot of work. Sorry for long post. Thank you in advance and best regards.