can oslo_messaging support basic.return
Bug #1776492 reported by
This bug affects 1 person
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
oslo.messaging |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
Consider a scenario like this: A want to send a message to B, when the message reach at the broker, B hasn't create the queue to receive message. I found the broker just drop the message and "basic.publish" sucessed.
The amqp protocol has defined “basic.return” to address such cases. Can oslo_messaging support this?
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This is an interesting idea, however the kombu library (which oslo.messaging uses to interface with rabbitmq) does not currently support basic.return. The 'immediate' and 'mandatory' flags are not implemented:
See: https:/ /github. com/celery/ kombu/blob/ master/ kombu/messaging .py#L129
I did try to set those flags on publish - just to see what happens:
File "oslo_messaging /_drivers/ impl_rabbit. py", line 807, in ensure kgiusti/ work/openstack/ oslo.messaging/ .tox/py27/ lib/python2. 7/site- packages/ kombu/connectio", line 494, in _ensured kgiusti/ work/openstack/ oslo.messaging/ .tox/py27/ lib/python2. 7/site- packages/ kombu/connectio", line 570, in __call__ channels[ 0], **kwargs), channels[0] /_drivers/ impl_rabbit. py", line 795, in execute_method _set_current_ channel( channel) /_drivers/ impl_rabbit. py", line 852, in _set_current_ channel return= my_bad) kgiusti/ work/openstack/ oslo.messaging/ .tox/py27/ lib/python2. 7/site- packages/ kombu/messaging .py", line 77, in __init__ revive( self._channel) kgiusti/ work/openstack/ oslo.messaging/ .tox/py27/ lib/python2. 7/site- packages/ kombu/messaging .py", line 232, in revive _channel. events[ 'basic_ return' ].add(self. on_return)
ret, channel = autoretry_method()
File "/home/
return fun(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/
return fun(*args, channel=
File "oslo_messaging
File "oslo_messaging
File "/home/
File "/home/
AttributeError: 'Channel' object has no attribute 'events'
So yeah - it isn't supported.
If the kombu project did decide to provide this we could try using it in oslo.messaging, but for now we can't.