Activity log for bug #1928331

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2021-05-13 11:55:56 CHENGLEI bug added bug
2021-05-13 11:55:56 CHENGLEI attachment added 图片1.png
2021-05-13 12:00:00 CHENGLEI description The general usage of the command is as follows: command: /lib/udev/scsi_id --page 0x83 --whitelisted --device=[path] , --device is an optional parameter. However, processexecutionerror: unexpected error while running command without '--device=' will appear in some operating systemsAlthough there are few cases, it needs to be considered. It is recommended to add optional parameters. The general usage of the command is as follows: command: /lib/udev/scsi_id --page 0x83 --whitelisted --device=[path] , --device is an optional parameter. However, "ProcessExecutionError: unexpected error while running command" without '--device=' will appear in some operating systems. Although there are few cases, it needs to be considered. It is recommended to add optional parameters.
2021-05-13 12:06:32 OpenStack Infra os-brick: status New In Progress
2021-06-09 19:54:31 Sofia Enriquez os-brick: importance Undecided Low
2021-06-09 19:56:58 Sofia Enriquez tags wwn