A recent look at logstash[1] shows that this is still happening every now and again, even with the USE_SCREEN changes in place. Digging around it appears the problem here is that the value of SCREEN_LOGDIR is different when the err() function is called from when it is used to create the the SCREEN_LOGDIRs.
In a grenade.sh log we see these various assignments:
A recent look at logstash[1] shows that this is still happening every now and again, even with the USE_SCREEN changes in place. Digging around it appears the problem here is that the value of SCREEN_LOGDIR is different when the err() function is called from when it is used to create the the SCREEN_LOGDIRs.
In a grenade.sh log we see these various assignments:
SCREEN_ LOGDIR= /opt/stack/ new/logs/ screen LOGDIR= /opt/stack/ new/screen- logs LOGDIR= /opt/stack/ old/logs/ screen LOGDIR= /opt/stack/ old/screen- logs
But the one that is actually used when calling err() is '/opt/stack/ logs/screen/ error.log' which is set in grenaderc.
Given the intricacies of where in the stack we are and who is in charge of a env variable at any given moment I'm not sure what the right fix is here.
Note: This error is hiding actual errors, but is not the cause of failure a grenade run itself.
[1] http:// logstash. openstack. org/#eyJzZWFyY2 giOiJtZXNzYWdlO lwiL29wdC9zdGFj ay9sb2dzL3NjcmV lbi9lcnJvci5sb2 c6IFBlcm1pc3Npb 24gZGVuaWVkXCIi LCJmaWVsZHMiOlt dLCJvZmZzZXQiOj AsInRpbWVmcmFtZ SI6IjE3MjgwMCIs ImdyYXBobW9kZSI 6ImNvdW50IiwidG ltZSI6eyJ1c2VyX 2ludGVydmFsIjow fSwic3RhbXAiOjE 0MTI1ODk0ODM5Nz B9