Activity log for bug #877213

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2011-10-18 08:28:21 Ronald Portier (Therp) bug added bug
2011-10-18 08:29:21 Ronald Portier (Therp) description The name used for the startup module of the openerp server, "openerp-server" is in fact an invalid module name, because of the hypen. It is actually worse then in previous versions of openerp, because it is also missing the .py extension. Both of these lead to problems when loading openerp source code in development tools that care about these things, like pydev. This is the message from pydev: "Invalid name for Python module: openerp-client (it'll not be analyzed)" Now that in 6.1 the position and name of the startup module is changing anyway, why not rename it to The same occurs also in the client of course and in the web module. And would it not be better ot have these scripts always within the bin directory (IMHO this would be preferable), or alternatively always in the "root"? The name used for the startup module of the openerp server, "openerp-server" is in fact an invalid module name, because of the hypen. It is actually worse then in previous versions of openerp, because it is also missing the .py extension. Both of these lead to problems when loading openerp source code in development tools that care about these things, like pydev. This is the message from pydev: "Invalid name for Python module: openerp-client (it'll not be analyzed)" Now that in 6.1 the position and name of the startup module is changing anyway, why not rename it to The same occurs also in the client ofcourse and in the web module. And would it not be better to have these scripts always within the bin directory (IMHO this would be preferable), or alternatively always in the "root"?
2011-10-19 06:16:10 Amit Parik openobject-server: importance Undecided Wishlist
2011-10-19 06:16:10 Amit Parik openobject-server: status New Confirmed
2011-10-19 06:16:10 Amit Parik openobject-server: assignee OpenERP's Framework R&D (openerp-dev-framework)