Activity log for bug #1229997

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2013-09-24 23:33:14 OscarAlca bug added bug
2013-09-26 12:47:42 Amit Parik openobject-server: importance Undecided Low
2013-09-26 12:47:42 Amit Parik openobject-server: status New Confirmed
2013-09-26 12:47:42 Amit Parik openobject-server: assignee OpenERP's Framework R&D (openerp-dev-framework)
2013-10-15 23:24:52 OscarAlca description Here is the deal, when you use a translatable field for sorting list/tree views it works well unless you edit the data on the field, the database keeps the original data inputed with the create method, a better example would be: -'name' is a translatable field 1 - we create and save a new record with name = 'A', the database has on its correspondant row the value 'A', the list shows 'A' 2 - change the value on name 'A' for 'B', the database still have 'A' in the field name on the table, the list shows 'B' 3 - then try to sort the list view by 'name' and you will notice that the list still orders by the value stored in the database not with the one you see on the tree view. thanks in advance Here is the deal, when you use a translatable field for sorting list/tree views it works well unless you edit the data on the field, the database keeps the original data inputted with the create method, a better example would be: -'name' is a translatable field 1 - we create and save a new record with name = 'A', the database has on its correspondant row the value 'A', the list shows 'A' 2 - change the value on name 'A' for 'B', the database still have 'A' in the field name on the table, the list shows 'B' 3 - then try to sort the list view by 'name' and you will notice that the list still orders by the value stored in the database not with the one you see on the tree view. thanks in advance
2013-10-18 04:54:14 Naresh(OpenERP) tags maintenance