Internal moves using multicompany

Bug #1164460 reported by Yohann Loyaux
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenERP R&D Addons Team 2

Bug Description


1. Create 3 companies : A, B and C (A is the mother company of B and C)
2. Create one user with all rights. The user should belong to the company B or C
3. Create a new warehouse for society B and another one for society C
4. Create a new shop for society B and another one for society C
5. Try to create an internal move with the new user created before.

Here is the warning message I get :

Operation prohibited by access rules, or performed on an already deleted document (Operation: read, Document type: Location).

OpenERP Server 6.1-1
OpenERP Server 7.0-20130326-002357

Tags: warehouse
description: updated
Amit Parik (amit-parik)
Changed in openobject-addons:
assignee: nobody → OpenERP R&D Addons Team 2 (openerp-dev-addons2)
importance: Undecided → Medium
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) wrote :

Internal moves between companies should not be allowed.
Goods are owned by a company and there should be a sales document + purchase document + pickings and invoices between them to perform movement.

Sending goods from B to C should be performed like:

COMPANY B should create:
Sales order company B to customer C
Outgoing picking from company B to customer C
Invoice from company B to company C

COMPANY C should create:
Purchase order company C to company B
Incoming picking from company B to company C
Purchase invoice from company B to company C

Otherwise, there will not be a consistent transaction and inventory valuation would be wrong for both companies.

My 2 cents.

Revision history for this message
Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) wrote :

I mean:
Company B is Company C's supplier so Company C is Company B's customer

Both of them have got their own store, locations and shop and transaction should be performed as they were in different databases, being on same database.

Revision history for this message
Yohann Loyaux (yohann-loyaux) wrote :

Thank you for your answer Ana.

But I do not make internal moves between two different companies. After doing the step 4) in my first message, you create a new internal move and try to move product A (from the warehouse of company B) from the location L1 to the location L2 (in the warehouse of company B too). It's not about internal moves between differents companies.
My bad, I was not precise enough.

Do you understand ?

Revision history for this message
Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) wrote :

Yes... of course. I did understood that you wanted to move from one warehouse owned by company b to another one owned by company c.
System should allow internal moves made between locations owned by same company.

About the bug:
Did you review that all your locations are correctly set to the right company and the user is making the internal move have got the rights correctly set to that company?

Recommended for multicompany environments: Create different users for each company having permissions only for that company and... always make any configuration or operations for that company with that user, never with super-admin user, since there could be fields by default incorrectly set because of that, generating the kind of error you are reporting.

Thank you:

Amit Parik (amit-parik)
tags: added: warehouse
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