The root cause is that the nvidia_loaded is false cause in Power Saving Mode, and nvidia_kmod_available is also false cause couldn't find nvidia.ko correctly, so it wont' do set_offloading() which cause nvidia-settings is blank.
Now we used the linux-modules-nvidia-5.10.0-xxx-oem package to support secure boot, and it will install the nvidia.ko in /lib/modules/5.10.0-xxx-oem/kernel/nvidia-460/, so we need fix the source code to detect the nvidia modules correctly.
The root cause is that the nvidia_loaded is false cause in Power Saving Mode, and nvidia_ kmod_available is also false cause couldn't find nvidia.ko correctly, so it wont' do set_offloading() which cause nvidia-settings is blank. nvidia- 5.10.0- xxx-oem package to support secure boot, and it will install the nvidia.ko in /lib/modules/ 5.10.0- xxx-oem/ kernel/ nvidia- 460/, so we need fix the source code to detect the nvidia modules correctly.
Now we used the linux-modules-
else if ((intel_loaded || amdgpu_loaded) && !nouveau_loaded &&
(nvidia_ loaded || nvidia_ kmod_available) ) {
fprintf( log_handle, "NVIDIA hybrid system\n");
/* Try to enable prime */ prime(prime_ settings,
&discrete_ device, current_devices, cards_n)) {
if (enable_