In short, it is because NUnit contains code in NUnit.Core.Log4NetCapture.StartCapture() that causes log4net to construct a default repository without finding the user's specified config file. Full technical disclosure is found on my blog post.
The way to over come this is to put a key="log4net.Config" in the <appSettings> in the NUnit project's config file and in the value specify the log4net config file. With this simple specifiication, NUnit 2.5.7 will work just fine.
Hi Charlie,
I do not believe that it is a bug at all. I have provided two solutions in my blog post do-the- right-things. blogspot. com/2010/ 11/log4net- configuration- issue-when- using.html
In short, it is because NUnit contains code in NUnit.Core. Log4NetCapture. StartCapture( ) that causes log4net to construct a default repository without finding the user's specified config file. Full technical disclosure is found on my blog post.
The way to over come this is to put a key="log4net. Config" in the <appSettings> in the NUnit project's config file and in the value specify the log4net config file. With this simple specifiication, NUnit 2.5.7 will work just fine.