Migrations use the libvirt driver's get_host_ip_addr() method to
determine the dest_host field of the migration object.
get_host_ip_addr() checks whether CONF.my_ip is actually assigned to
one of the host's interfaces. It does so by calling
get_machine_ips(), which iterates over all of the host's interfaces.
If the host has many interfaces, this can take a long time, and
introduces needless delays in processing the migration.
get_machine_ips() is only used to print a warning, so this patch moves
the get_machine_ips() call to a single method in init_host(). This
way, a warning is still emitted at compute service startup, and
migration progress is not needlessly slowed down.
NOTE(artom) While the following paragraph still applies, the poison
patch will not be backported. Stubbing out use of
netifaces.interfaces() is still a good thing to do, however.
This patch also has a chicken and egg problem with the patch on top of
it, which poisons use of netifaces.interfaces() in tests. While this
patch fixes all the tests that break with that poison, it starts
breaking different tests because of the move of get_machine_ips() into
init_host(). Therefore, while not directly related to the bug, this
patch also preventatively mocks or stubs out any use of
get_machine_ips() that will get poisoned with the subsequent patch.
(cherry picked from commit 30d8159d4ee51a26a03de1cb134ea64c6c07ffb2)
(cherry picked from commit 560317c766afc4a4c4c5017ecfc9ce432fe63ea7)
(cherry picked from commit 65d2e455e323a627ef228ed57a1f0c86d8252665)
Due to 23fd6c2287f1e68336e7752246999de739b9f7c0 which mocked out get_fs_info() at the same place as this patch mocks out get_machine_ips().
Due to cbc28f0d15287dcf24a07f835210affa41c38993 which added _check_file_backed_memory_support() to init_host() at the same
place this patch added _check_my_ip().
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/672161 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=028a8e949e9 b9b5731e7f5f283 375533ab6f85fa
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 028a8e949e9b9b5 731e7f5f2833755 33ab6f85fa
Author: Artom Lifshitz <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 19 11:35:24 2019 -0400
libvirt: move checking CONF.my_ip to init_host()
Migrations use the libvirt driver's get_host_ip_addr() method to host_ip_ addr() checks whether CONF.my_ip is actually assigned to machine_ ips(), which iterates over all of the host's interfaces. machine_ ips() is only used to print a warning, so this patch moves
determine the dest_host field of the migration object.
one of the host's interfaces. It does so by calling
If the host has many interfaces, this can take a long time, and
introduces needless delays in processing the migration.
the get_machine_ips() call to a single method in init_host(). This
way, a warning is still emitted at compute service startup, and
migration progress is not needlessly slowed down.
NOTE(artom) While the following paragraph still applies, the poison interfaces( ) is still a good thing to do, however.
patch will not be backported. Stubbing out use of
This patch also has a chicken and egg problem with the patch on top of interfaces( ) in tests. While this machine_ ips() that will get poisoned with the subsequent patch.
it, which poisons use of netifaces.
patch fixes all the tests that break with that poison, it starts
breaking different tests because of the move of get_machine_ips() into
init_host(). Therefore, while not directly related to the bug, this
patch also preventatively mocks or stubs out any use of
(cherry picked from commit 30d8159d4ee51a2 6a03de1cb134ea6 4c6c07ffb2)
(cherry picked from commit 560317c766afc4a 4c4c5017ecfc9ce 432fe63ea7)
(cherry picked from commit 65d2e455e323a62 7ef228ed57a1f0c 86d8252665) tests/unit/ virt/libvirt/ fakelibvirt. py 336e7752246999d e739b9f7c0 which mocked out
get_fs_ info() at the same place as this patch mocks out
get_machine_ ips(). virt/libvirt/ driver. py f24a07f835210af fa41c38993 which added
_check_ file_backed_ memory_ support( ) to init_host() at the same
Due to 23fd6c2287f1e68
Due to cbc28f0d15287dc
place this patch added _check_my_ip().
Closes-bug: 1837075 c28927d914e7160 9e4deea3d9f
Change-Id: I58a4038b04d5a9