Here is a stable/queens job run from Jan 2 and nova.conf is being used in the nova-compute service as well:
And in that job the only thing in nova-cpu.conf is this:
[key_manager] fixed_key = c7e7e2d754d569f54c685e24c5bb73d46eef4aa8806e7457bbf9ebba53279a23a5c73942
So it definitely seems like or messed something up here.
Also, when I diff the nova-cpu.conf and nova.conf from a failing job, this is in nova.conf:
[libvirt] live_migration_uri = qemu+ssh://stack@%s/system cpu_mode = none virt_type = qemu rbd_user = cinder rbd_secret_uuid = ff43d118-c258-490f-9142-a4b9a7663842 inject_key = false inject_partition = -2 disk_cachemodes = network=writeback images_type = rbd images_rbd_pool = vms images_rbd_ceph_conf = /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
But not nova-cpu.conf, and that's the main issue - we're running with ceph but nova-compute is using a config file that's not configured for ceph.
Here is a stable/queens job run from Jan 2 and nova.conf is being used in the nova-compute service as well:
http:// logs.openstack. org/10/ 627010/ 2/check/ legacy- grenade- dsvm-neutron- multinode- live-migration/ 281c4a4/ logs/
And in that job the only thing in nova-cpu.conf is this:
[key_manager] 54c685e24c5bb73 d46eef4aa8806e7 457bbf9ebba5327 9a23a5c73942
fixed_key = c7e7e2d754d569f
So it definitely seems like https:/ /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 631811/ or https:/ /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 609755/ messed something up here.
Also, when I diff the nova-cpu.conf and nova.conf from a failing job, this is in nova.conf:
[libvirt] //stack@ %s/system c258-490f- 9142-a4b9a76638 42 rbd_ceph_ conf = /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
live_migration_uri = qemu+ssh:
cpu_mode = none
virt_type = qemu
rbd_user = cinder
rbd_secret_uuid = ff43d118-
inject_key = false
inject_partition = -2
disk_cachemodes = network=writeback
images_type = rbd
images_rbd_pool = vms
But not nova-cpu.conf, and that's the main issue - we're running with ceph but nova-compute is using a config file that's not configured for ceph.