Since change I81301eeecc7669a169deeb1e2c5d298a595aab94 in
devstack, nova-cpu.conf is a copy of nova.conf minus
database access. Grenade jobs also run nova-compute with
nova-cpu.conf anyway so we can just drop the conditional
which was otherwise messing up the config file that the
ceph script would write rbd configuration which is why
live block migration tests with ceph were failing.
NOTE(mriedem): This is not a pure backport since this change
in queens just disables running the job with ceph because of
a mess of changes to devstack queens related to change and change As a result, the pike
node runs with nova.conf (because of grenade singleconductor
mode makes it so) but the queens node runs with nova-cpu.conf
and then the _ceph_configure_nova function does not configure
the nodes for rbd auth properly which makes rbd-backed live
migration in the job fail. Rather than try to sort that all out
with a one-off change in queens (which is pretty old at this
point anyway), this change just skips the ceph portion of the
job. An alternative is just not running the job in queens, but
we can easily still get block migrate live migration coverage
so we might as well keep that running.
Change-Id: I902e459093af9b82f9033d58cffcb2a628f5ec39
Closes-Bug: #1813216
(cherry picked from commit f2db43d57ae980d8cdf08de4f5e6290d7edcc95c)
(cherry picked from commit c4a2a32f07cbe139b5889654bbc82d3ddeaeeb94)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/640197 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=5d5e7be8cbb 6d37b20c7efcac7 850562d3281904
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 5d5e7be8cbb6d37 b20c7efcac78505 62d3281904
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 5 10:40:33 2019 -0500
Fix legacy- grenade- dsvm-neutron- multinode- live-migration
Since change I81301eeecc7669 a169deeb1e2c5d2 98a595aab94 in
devstack, nova-cpu.conf is a copy of nova.conf minus
database access. Grenade jobs also run nova-compute with
nova-cpu.conf anyway so we can just drop the conditional
which was otherwise messing up the config file that the
ceph script would write rbd configuration which is why
live block migration tests with ceph were failing.
NOTE(mriedem): This is not a pure backport since this change /review. openstack. org/625131/ and change /review. openstack. org/632100/. As a result, the pike _nova function does not configure
in queens just disables running the job with ceph because of
a mess of changes to devstack queens related to change
node runs with nova.conf (because of grenade singleconductor
mode makes it so) but the queens node runs with nova-cpu.conf
and then the _ceph_configure
the nodes for rbd auth properly which makes rbd-backed live
migration in the job fail. Rather than try to sort that all out
with a one-off change in queens (which is pretty old at this
point anyway), this change just skips the ceph portion of the
job. An alternative is just not running the job in queens, but
we can easily still get block migrate live migration coverage
so we might as well keep that running.
Change-Id: I902e459093af9b 82f9033d58cffcb 2a628f5ec39 8cdf08de4f5e629 0d7edcc95c) 9b5889654bbc82d 3ddeaeeb94)
Closes-Bug: #1813216
(cherry picked from commit f2db43d57ae980d
(cherry picked from commit c4a2a32f07cbe13