We allowed add instance tags when booting in
Iac54b9627cb4398e45f1f15a2f4e7d6f86242093, conductor
will create tags for us in the selected cell, but
we forgot to consider the case that no valid host
was found.
So we will be unable to filter those instances in
cell0 with tags.
Conflicts: nova/conductor/manager.py
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change
I70b11dd489d222be3d70733355bfe7966df556aa in Pike.
Change-Id: Idfe37d356b349024dfe963c934728111e1a1d314
closes-bug: #1806515
(cherry picked from commit 3cd439ad8a99f122566f0b5d0264ff5c8d34f998)
(cherry picked from commit cbb9eb5b056b96ea507d65fea0e32c27bbf6cdfa)
(cherry picked from commit fa178ed4e5ab925d39f7176d851d3c735e328189)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/624825 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=02c6e1364f3 cd4fb1cd6d6e7f0 3a55681a1e364c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 02c6e1364f3cd4f b1cd6d6e7f03a55 681a1e364c
Author: Kevin_Zheng <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 4 10:25:52 2018 +0800
Handle tags in _bury_in_cell0
We allowed add instance tags when booting in b4398e45f1f15a2 f4e7d6f86242093 , conductor
will create tags for us in the selected cell, but
we forgot to consider the case that no valid host
was found.
So we will be unable to filter those instances in
cell0 with tags.
nova/ conductor/ manager. py
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change d222be3d7073335 5bfe7966df556aa in Pike.
Change-Id: Idfe37d356b3490 24dfe963c934728 111e1a1d314 2566f0b5d0264ff 5c8d34f998) a507d65fea0e32c 27bbf6cdfa) d39f7176d851d3c 735e328189)
closes-bug: #1806515
(cherry picked from commit 3cd439ad8a99f12
(cherry picked from commit cbb9eb5b056b96e
(cherry picked from commit fa178ed4e5ab925