commit f2d2a9a7c538f87775092c6cbf3b03b463cbdc2a
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 3 19:11:37 2018 -0400
Update RequestSpec.flavor on resize_revert
Since I8abdf58a6537dd5e15a012ea37a7b48abd726579 in Newton
we update the RequestSpec.flavor to the new flavor during
a resize. However, if the resize is reverted, we didn't
revert the RequestSpec.flavor to the previous flavor
on the instance, which could cause issues later when
moving the instance since the scheduler will get a
RequestSpec with a flavor that doesn't match the actual
flavor on the instance.
This fixes the bug by updating the RequestSpec.flavor
with instance.old_flavor on resize_revert in the API.
Functional test wrinkles are added.
This fix was ported from the starlingx-staging/stx-nova
repo commit 71acfeae0.
Change-Id: Ic6e74702f2a5b57b437f4ffdfbc86c1e34cdac7d
Closes-Bug: #1785339
(cherry picked from commit ef3849e2da1c94df519debcb14ba15af9bd01a60)
(cherry picked from commit 9125fc7caf68fcecea47a3f0ac5068cf44a97821)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/602409 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=f2d2a9a7c53 8f87775092c6cbf 3b03b463cbdc2a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit f2d2a9a7c538f87 775092c6cbf3b03 b463cbdc2a
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 3 19:11:37 2018 -0400
Update RequestSpec.flavor on resize_revert
Since I8abdf58a6537dd 5e15a012ea37a7b 48abd726579 in Newton
we update the RequestSpec.flavor to the new flavor during
a resize. However, if the resize is reverted, we didn't
revert the RequestSpec.flavor to the previous flavor
on the instance, which could cause issues later when
moving the instance since the scheduler will get a
RequestSpec with a flavor that doesn't match the actual
flavor on the instance.
This fixes the bug by updating the RequestSpec.flavor
with instance.old_flavor on resize_revert in the API.
Functional test wrinkles are added.
This fix was ported from the starlingx- staging/ stx-nova
repo commit 71acfeae0.
Change-Id: Ic6e74702f2a5b5 7b437f4ffdfbc86 c1e34cdac7d f519debcb14ba15 af9bd01a60) cea47a3f0ac5068 cf44a97821)
Closes-Bug: #1785339
(cherry picked from commit ef3849e2da1c94d
(cherry picked from commit 9125fc7caf68fce