commit 48fe8d17e38193c63b6aea98d73ce13a835cd0d0
Author: He Jie Xu <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 30 14:47:20 2017 +0800
Ensure the JSON-Schema covers the legacy v2 API
The legacy v2 API compatible mode support the protection of JSON-Schema.
The input body will be validated with JSON-Schema, and the extra invalid
parameters will be filtered out of the input body instead of return
HTTPBadRequest 400.
But some of API are missing that protection, the JSON-Schema validation
was limited to the v2.1 API. This patch ensures those schema covers the
legacy v2 API.
Change-Id: Ie165b2a79efd56a299d2d4ebe40a6904a340414f
Closes-Bug: #1701451
(cherry picked from commit aaeea4bf39377c4109f6b2857794ee0e7d51e786)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/479197 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=48fe8d17e38 193c63b6aea98d7 3ce13a835cd0d0
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/ocata
commit 48fe8d17e38193c 63b6aea98d73ce1 3a835cd0d0
Author: He Jie Xu <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 30 14:47:20 2017 +0800
Ensure the JSON-Schema covers the legacy v2 API
The legacy v2 API compatible mode support the protection of JSON-Schema.
The input body will be validated with JSON-Schema, and the extra invalid
parameters will be filtered out of the input body instead of return
HTTPBadRequest 400.
But some of API are missing that protection, the JSON-Schema validation
was limited to the v2.1 API. This patch ensures those schema covers the
legacy v2 API.
Change-Id: Ie165b2a79efd56 a299d2d4ebe40a6 904a340414f 109f6b2857794ee 0e7d51e786)
Closes-Bug: #1701451
(cherry picked from commit aaeea4bf39377c4